
This code is intended to investigate the low vs. high pesticide data provided by USGS, in relation to independent pesticide estimates from USDA.

Load libraries + data


## read in data comparing USGS to USDA values, for high and low estimate
high <- read.csv("../output_big/validation_high_estimate.csv") %>%
  mutate(type = "high")

low <- read.csv("../output_big/validation_low_estimate.csv") %>%
  mutate(type = "low")

# bind the two together
full <- rbind(high, low)

## read in full datasets
usgs_high <- read.csv("../output_big/bee_tox_index_state_yr_cmpd_high_20200609.csv") %>%
  select(-starts_with(c("ld50", "source"))) %>%
  rename_with(~ paste0(.x, "_h"), .cols = c("kg_app","kg_ha", "ha")) 

usgs_low <- read.csv("../output_big/bee_tox_index_state_yr_cmpd_20200609.csv") %>%
    select(-starts_with(c("ld50", "source"))) %>%
    rename_with(~ paste0(.x, "_l"), .cols = c("kg_app","kg_ha", "ha")) 

# join + create column for missing value in low estimate
usgs_full <- full_join(usgs_high, usgs_low, by = c("State_FIPS_code","State","Compound","Year","Units","crop",
                                                   "cmpd_usgs","STATE_ALPHA","cat","cat_grp","class","grp_source")) %>%
  mutate(low_missing = ifelse(is.na(kg_app_l), 1, 0))

Restructure data for plotting

high_val <- high %>%
  rename(usgs_high = usgs,
         RE_high = RE) %>%
  select(-diff, -method_pretty, -type)

joined <- low %>%
  rename(usgs_low = usgs,
         RE_low = RE) %>%
  select(-diff, -method_pretty, -type) %>%
  full_join(high_val, by = c("STATE_ALPHA", "YEAR", "usgs_cmpd", "CROP", "methods", "usda_category",

Plot differences with USDA data

# plot by method of analysis and pesticide category
ggplot(full, aes(x = method, y = RE, fill = type))+
  geom_boxplot() +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2) +
  facet_grid("usda_category") +
  theme_classic() +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 0.005) +
  xlab("") +
  ylab("Relative difference to USDA (%)") +
  labs(fill = "USGS estimate")

# plot by method of analysis for all AI combined
ggplot(full, aes(x = method, y = RE, fill = type))+
  geom_boxplot() +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2) +
  theme_classic() +
  xlab("") +
  ylab("Relative difference to USDA (%)") +
  labs(fill = "USGS estimate")

Investigate relationship between low and high estimate

# calculate correlation between the two estimates
cor(usgs_full$kg_ha_l, usgs_full$kg_ha_h, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
## [1] 0.9522947
# plot relationship
ggplot(usgs_full, aes(x = kg_ha_l, y = kg_ha_h)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.3) +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 18) +
  xlab("USGS low (kg/ha)") +
  ylab("USGS high (kg/ha)") +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "red", linetype = 2) +
  xlim(c(0,100)) +

Summarize missing values in low dataset

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.17    0.00    1.00
# summarize missing data by pesticide category
missing <- usgs_full %>%
  group_by(cat) %>%
  summarize(missing_n = sum(low_missing),
            total_n = n(),
            missing_perc = round(mean(low_missing), 2))
##   cat missing_n total_n missing_perc
## 1   F      8319   69901         0.12
## 2 FUM       590    4094         0.14
## 3   H     32736  169828         0.19
## 4   I     17702  101215         0.17
## 5   O       237    2720         0.09
## 6 PGR      1365   10674         0.13
# summarize missing data by pesticide crop
missing_crop <- usgs_full %>%
  group_by(crop) %>%
  summarize(missing_n = sum(low_missing),
            total_n = n(),
            missing_perc = round(mean(low_missing), 2))
##                    crop missing_n total_n missing_perc
## 1               Alfalfa      5995   16141         0.37
## 2                  Corn     13040   47467         0.27
## 3                Cotton      3839   24779         0.15
## 4   Orchards_and_grapes      4853   61567         0.08
## 5           Other_crops      6345   42153         0.15
## 6       Pasture_and_hay      4743   14379         0.33
## 7                  Rice       370    4844         0.08
## 8              Soybeans      8905   32846         0.27
## 9  Vegetables_and_fruit      6445   88980         0.07
## 10                Wheat      6414   25276         0.25
# summarize missing data by state
missing_state <- usgs_full %>%
  group_by(State) %>%
  summarize(missing_n = sum(low_missing),
            total_n = n(),
            missing_perc = round(mean(low_missing), 2))
##             State missing_n total_n missing_perc
## 1         Alabama      2156    8383         0.26
## 2         Arizona       792    7044         0.11
## 3        Arkansas      1193    7470         0.16
## 4      California         0   21550         0.00
## 5        Colorado      1976    7745         0.26
## 6     Connecticut       725    4231         0.17
## 7        Delaware      1011    5075         0.20
## 8         Florida       926    8085         0.11
## 9         Georgia      1405    9506         0.15
## 10          Idaho       892    7330         0.12
## 11       Illinois      1430    7977         0.18
## 12        Indiana      1577    8664         0.18
## 13           Iowa      1038    7008         0.15
## 14         Kansas      1451    7631         0.19
## 15       Kentucky      2044    7780         0.26
## 16      Louisiana      1099    6550         0.17
## 17          Maine       385    2974         0.13
## 18       Maryland      1312    7367         0.18
## 19  Massachusetts       980    4539         0.22
## 20       Michigan      1042    8326         0.13
## 21      Minnesota      1724    8771         0.20
## 22    Mississippi      1507    7809         0.19
## 23       Missouri      2019    9378         0.22
## 24        Montana      1765    6653         0.27
## 25       Nebraska      1916    7732         0.25
## 26         Nevada       796    6743         0.12
## 27  New Hampshire       665    3404         0.20
## 28     New Jersey       772    5610         0.14
## 29     New Mexico      2372    9086         0.26
## 30       New York       665    6158         0.11
## 31 North Carolina      1357    9282         0.15
## 32   North Dakota      1329    6194         0.21
## 33           Ohio      1894    8671         0.22
## 34       Oklahoma      2005    8648         0.23
## 35         Oregon      1157    8430         0.14
## 36   Pennsylvania       958    7616         0.13
## 37   Rhode Island       580    3201         0.18
## 38 South Carolina      1353    8386         0.16
## 39   South Dakota      1848    6892         0.27
## 40      Tennessee      2190    9307         0.24
## 41          Texas      1129   10445         0.11
## 42           Utah       924    5152         0.18
## 43        Vermont       709    4094         0.17
## 44       Virginia      1777    8905         0.20
## 45     Washington       769    7697         0.10
## 46  West Virginia       972    6287         0.15
## 47      Wisconsin      1059    6909         0.15
## 48        Wyoming      1304    5737         0.23

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